Do you ever find yourself with 1 hour of open space in your work schedule? Perhaps a client canceled, or your appointments are spaced far apart. You had set this time aside as a work hour, and now you’re not quite sure what to do with it. 

Although you’d love to fill that hour with something useful for your business, you sit at your computer and scan the internet or find some part of your house to clean. I’ve definitely spent plenty of time browsing dresses online, and even though leisurely relaxation is great, it’s really nice to turn a dedicated work hour into something that will benefit your business.

Here are 10 smart ways to fill an empty work hour:   

1. Film a quick video to post online.

Videos get a lot of attention, and potential clients will be able to connect with your energy and voice right away. One of my own clients shared that she knew she needed to work with me after hearing me say 3 words. This can happen for you too, so grab your camera and film!

2. Make one phone call that will connect you with an opportunity for your business.

Perhaps you have the contact information for someone who can connect you to a new speaking opportunity. Or maybe you have a list of potential clients, and all that you need to do is reach out to them to see if they are ready to work with you now. Start with one phone call.

3. Ask for a referral or for something else that you desire to have for your business. 

You may be wondering where your next speaking opportunity will be, or how you can connect with a celebrity in your industry as a way to gain even more exposure for your business. Maybe you are looking for a new client. Start asking your friends, colleagues, clients, and social media networks for the things that you desire. The answer will show up, but you have to ask for it.

Thank you image4. Send a thank you note to a client, mentor, or an awesome colleague.

The ripple effect of a simple thank you note can expand further than you may even imagine, and could lead to new sales, new clients, repeat clients, speaking opportunities, (new romance?) and so much more.

5. Ask people to join your newsletter list.

You can put up a post through social media, or mention your newsletter when you meet someone in person or online today. It’s best to have something to offer them in return, so they receive a free gift when they subscribe. For example, right now I have a free gift that is a report called: “5 Secret Steps to Release Financial Constriction and Let Your Business Take You On Vacation!” Newsletter subscribers receive this when they enter their contact details at

6. Get a head start on writing your newsletter, or collect the content for one.

No matter if you choose to write articles, or send out videos or quotes, it’s important to connect with your audience each week. With this hour that you have, you can start creating a newsletter, write your personal note at the top, and gather testimonials and success stories to send with it.  

7. Listen to a really great song (or a few!)

Use this opportunity to get excited for where your business and life are headed. When you’re finished listening to a song that inspires you, you’ll come back with more energy and creativity (and then you can choose more ideas from this list). 

8. Plan a new teleclass to teach.

I have announced past teleclasses with as little information as a title, date and time, a link to sign up, and the 3 main points that I will be speaking about. An hour is plenty of time to create the announcement for a new teleclass.

Ava with juice9. Share valuable information with your social media channels.

Your audience loves it when you share tips, videos, and articles that you’ve created! Scan through your records and blog archives to find something valuable that you can post online today.

10. Take a few photos of what you’re doing during this hour, and post them online.

Your friends and audience want to see you, so share a couple photos. You’d be surprised how much people like to see behind-the-scenes, and to hear about the quirky or interesting things that you do during a day. For example, I posted this photo yesterday, with a big cup of fresh juice during a break from writing. On facebook a few days before, I joked about how I had written a reference to Star Trek and Earl Grey tea in my book.

Show us the human side of you as an entrepreneur. We want to see it.



© 2013 Ava Waits

Ava Waits supports entrepreneurs and aspiring speakers to feed the source of their success, and enjoy a professional life that bends to their itinerary. She loves to help business owners use high-vibrational marketing techniques that attract clients and opportunities to them, literally because of their glowing presence, personality and joyful appreciation for exactly where they are right now.

Clients worldwide have used Ava’s processes to release financial constriction and bring more business opportunities, love, and income into their lives. For more information, to view article archives, and to schedule a Strategy Session to discuss your business visions, please visit