For a long time, I worried about disapproval, and I didn’t quite even approve of myself.

I was a very proper little girl

I was a very proper little girl


Mostly, I worried about disapproval from other people. I had grown up trying to be good and not stir things up ever. (Can you believe I used to think I was a really good girl because I could sit still for longer than anyone else in my elementary school classroom!? Looking back, that was crazy!) I was also really good at hiding my financial situation for many years (I’ll be sharing more about that in a free call called “What A Former Poor Girl Learned From Her Wealthy Community” on November 13th).





When I began my business, I always wanted to write things, do things, and say things that would make everyone happy. But this will simply never be possible.

Someone will always disapprove of me.

This past year has been a lesson on that very topic, and I learned that not everyone approves of me.


You may know that I started my entrepreneurial journey originally as a nutritional healer. In my nutrition practice, my first focus was to help women who had digestive discomfort and food sensitivities. Often, we would craft healing cleanses that they could go on for a few days to a week. It was a chance to let the organs take a rest, and for the body to release toxic build up that often included chemical residues, pesticides, poisons, and suppressed emotions.

Cleanses and healing journeys sometimes bring up these side effects called Tear“cleansing reactions, ” which may show up in physical ways, like stomachaches, headaches, acne, soreness, and intestinal distress. Emotions also float to the surface to be released, so sadness, anger, and mood fluctuations can be common during a process of healing. The pain of these cleansing reactions points us to something we have to heal.

Today, even though the focus of my business has changed, I’m still here working as a healer. I’m supporting entrepreneurs through some potent healing as they feed the source of their success. Emotions flood to the surface when we get deep into conversations about money, feeling unworthy and worthy, feeling shameful, giving love to themselves, feeling blissful, and following our big visions. This healing journey is not always comfortable. 


Over the past year, I realized that uncomfortable cleansing reactions can show up for anyone who is touched by my work. Sometimes those difficult reactions are channeled back to me, and it became more prominent this year. While I have received loving notes from many of you, I also received critical emails. It was evidence that not everyone approves of me. Not everyone will approve of you either.



So here’s the message I’d love to leave you with:


Geneva black scarf smlNot everyone will approve of you, your dreams, and the brilliance that you want to bring to this world.

On every journey that you take, there will be people who will try to hold you back, or people who are so activated by what you teach that they will have a breakdown in front of you or storm out.

It’s all part of their journey of healing, and what you can do for them is to be strong, loving, and present. Don’t take it personally. It’s their stuff. And do not let it stop you!

They may also come back around later when the healing is complete, and be a bigger and better part of your life.

But that pain is part of their healing journey, and they may not approve of you as this healing takes place.





© 2013 Ava Waits

Ava Waits supports entrepreneurs and aspiring speakers to feed the source of their success, and enjoy a professional life that bends to their itinerary. She loves to help business owners use high-vibrational marketing techniques that attract clients and opportunities to them, literally because of their glowing presence, personality and joyful appreciation for exactly where they are right now.

Clients worldwide have used Ava’s processes to release financial constriction and bring more business opportunities, love, and income into their lives. For more information, to view article archives, and to schedule a Strategy Session to discuss your business visions, please visit