Last year, I was on the phone with a health coach-in-training, who I provided business support for. On top of the nutrition work, she taught yoga, and we got into an interesting conversation. She explained how sometimes you can visually see the places in the body where a person is in pain, or has had a health concern. Often these pain points are protected by puffiness or by extra weight. The body protects the area as it heals, and weight can be an indicator of the healing process.

This is a real life example of what one woman experienced when she began looking at weight differently:

She had a little extra belly puffiness. It didn’t make her overweight, but she did notice it, and wondered why it hung around in just that one area. Once she realized that the places with extra weight or puffiness could be markers for internal pain, she knew that was exactly what it was. She had suffered from uncomfortable digestion for most of her life, and the weight was right over her intestines! The belly weight was the way her body provided extra protection to her sensitive digestive tract, while internal healing took place.

woman at yoga

It was a huge discovery for her, and she quickly changed her perception around this belly weight. She understood that her body was actually comforting her during her healing process.

Guess what?

Within 2 weeks, the belly weight went away! And she barely adjusted her eating habits during that time. She just changed her mind.

Have you been unhappy with a little extra weight in one part of your body?

Could it be that the part of your body you’re frustrated with is actually fully loving you back, and doing all that it can to protect you and keep you comfortable while internal healing occurs? 



© 2013 Ava Waits

Ava Waits helps her clients feed the source of their success through nourishing meals, delicious experiences, expansive travel, and a professional life that bends to their itinerary. Please visit for more tips, articles and videos.