Dear Beautiful Woman,

Do you want:

~ To be the woman who glows with an attractive radiance?

~ A happy tummy, and a body that you smile at every time you look in the mirror?

woman enjoying cherry blossoms

~ Unstoppable energy that your friends, colleagues (and sweetheart!) will notice?

~ Exuberant happiness, in spite of melancholy that used to stop you?

~ Deeper relationships and committed people who easily flow into your life?

~ Clarity of your purpose, after years of wondering what’s next?

~ More awe at the magic of life, and moments where everything is perfectly aligned?

~ A body in a wonderful state of health? You don’t get sick, you don’t need medication, and you don’t damage your beautiful body with junk food!

This is all possible for you, even if it doesn’t seem so right now.


Before I go on, let me first tell you that it wasn’t very long ago that I was an exhausted business owner, pushing myself to stay up late with sugar, and totally ignoring the things that I most loved about life. I went into fear whenever my income dipped, and I was not making time for the important people in my life. I was eating well, but stress was causing me to make some choices I didn’t want to show the world. After many frustrating days, I got fed up and decided that I had to make a huge change.


One sentence changed my life:

“Thirty days of feeling wonderful is all you need to manifest the biggest of dreams you’ve ever had.” ~ Abraham Hicks

I believe this statement, and on a new teleclass in March, I’m going to share with you exactly why I believe it.

I’ve tested it, and the results blow me away every time.

Twice in 2011, I dedicated a period of 30 days to enjoy life, delight in food,  and bask in the experiences of each day.   It wasn’t about working harder. It was about wearing dresses to dinner, spending time with friends, dancing to great music, and indulging in delicious healing meals. I picked basil while sitting in the sunny garden, ate slowly, laughed more, and did what made me happy.


Magical things began to show up in my life:

~ I received an invitation to speak about my nutrition company to an audience of over 1,000 people.

~ I said yes to opportunities to earn an additional five figures of income.

~ I was gifted with air travel in first class.

~ New fun clients signed up to work with me privately.

~ Important people very close to me offered their support, and I have faith that there has always been a net of support below me.

~ My life became about adventure and freedom.

~ I finally hired a business coach I’d wanted to work with for years.



A lot of people were watching as I posted daily about my experiences in the 30 Days of Wonderful project in December. Now, I’m ready to take you behind the scenes, and tell you why I believe in this process so much.


You are invited to a new complimentary teleclass called:


“30 Days of Wonderful: How luscious healing meals will change your body, change your income, and position you to finally receive everything you’ve ever wanted in your life.”


This call is on March 15th, 2012, at 6pm Pacific Time/9pm EST

Register Now


On the call I’ll talk about:

1. The breakdown before the growth. We’ll talk about moving beyond being the overworked, exhausted, and rushed woman. It’s only going to get better from here, and the shift you need to make is quite different than what you were expecting. I’ll share my personal story on this call.

2. How being adventurous, in life and with food, allows unexpected miracles to show up.

3. Why crafting a unique way of eating is incredibly important to your health and future. A woman eating fast food for lunch isn’t going to go as far as the devoted woman who chooses food to support her body and spirit. If you’re ready to speed up your potential, be on this call.

4. Why you must keep your vibration positive. Happiness is like a bubble of gentle protection that we wrap ourselves in. It ensures your success, and protects you. If you don’t stay positive, you just might slice your avocado and your finger open like I did.

5. The state of being that allows your biggest dreams to swiftly flow into your life.

6. And so much more!


I’ve created this teleclass to help you bring more magic into your life. It is my hope to inspire you to create a life and meals that you will revel in. Please join me on March 15th.  You’ll also have the opportunity to preview the completely new 30 Days of Wonderful Group Program for women.  It’s reserved for women ready to embrace a month of absolutely wonderful experiences, healing food and growth.


Are you ready to enjoy your life and every meal?

I look forward to having you on the call,






P.S. I’m also going to have a prize drawing on the call. It’s only for those who attend live, so be sure that you join me on March 15th.

P.P.S. Life really can get this good! If you absolutely can’t make it to the call, the recording will be available after March 15th. You will still need to register if you want access to the recording.


©  Ava Waits 2012